

How can you upload your own tutorial or research page?

Below you will learn how to quickly upload your own tutorial or research page to Tequila: First of all, only ipynb-files or quarto-files are allowed as tutorials or research pages for the website. The following HTML parameters should be placed in the quarto-file above the actual content, if it is an ipynb-file the parameters can be placed in a separate markdown at the top, before the actual content begins:

title: "Any title"
author: "Your full name"
date: "yyyy-mm-dd"
categories: [code]
image-width: "1cm"
image-height: "1cm"
        code-fold: false
        eval: true
jupyter: blogqa

Start and end this section with three hyphens (—)

After creating the content, you need to clone the project on Github. Then follow these steps to upload it:

  1. First, navigate to the Tutorials/ Researches folder and create a new subfolder with the name of your tutorial/research.
  2. This subfolder should contain your ipynb/-file (as well as other necessary files, such as png-files for importing images).
  3. Then go to the pull requests within GitHub ( and upload your subfolder here as well.

We look forward to your contribution!